this one...best present..got price ==...RM3.90..wtf

got ppl give 'cha yip'as present o.o..but not tat guy lol

ppl give monkey bcuz my bro face look like monkey ==

ok!!is time to open present..here come those funny present

ya mahjong



just fren

sunway lol

sg long gang

suria gang

ucsi gang

daddy and bro==

ya i know is ugly cuz iam sweating

ya..key cake~

cant reli take how many ppl..all hide ther <<<<


sg long ppl again

sg long gang

ya cute baby

sing k gang

cpu room de gang ==


sit until no table come in my house de eating table ==



mother side family

wan pak tor??come my house..romantic...

this girl make up in my room..she complain y my table so many toner,mosturiser,body lotion,hair clip,hair straighten,mask...zz

sushi made by my mother sister

i caught my bro kau lui ==

big cake o.o

[my grandma cute??]-[my yi po sexy??]-[my sweet nai ma]

erica know y==i post this

this 2 kid just so concentrate playing ps2[dragon ball]zz..3 o clock come to my house and start to ply until 10 ++ zzz nv move

lol...i bao de wan tan!!!!!!


arrange time

my father say sux decoration..looks like indian house only lol

my mom cooking o.o
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