today i cant full day in hospital..but i reach hospital in 4.30....
when we go to icu outside..i saw kang younger sister..she say inside got relative visit kang
father go find specialist doctor and mother go after wait 15min..their relative come out le...then after 5 more min..KANG CAME OUT..I WAS LIKE WHAT HAPPEN...
OOOOO HE JUST TRANSFER TO HDW [high dependency ward] then i oso duno wat is tat arif ask the one who jaga here de...he ask tat is this better than icu..
she say ya...when very stable tat time then will transfer here..omg..then i was like non stop smiling and joking wit arif and alex...
so alex and arif went in to see kang..after tat me and kang sister go in lo...
ok now...yk can breath by himself le..which means he is not having morphine anymore..but he is sleeping..HE WAS LIKE GRUUUU GRUUUU GRUUU..soooo loud..i found tat he look funny!!each of the yk hand got 2 injection take off 3 injection le if iam not mistaken...means now kang oni hanging the water...[diu sui]...i heard doctor say tat he cant breath by smoothly b4 tat cuz has taken have to put one big thing inside his mouth and put till very in de...BUT NOW TAKE OUT JOR...means he is going to wake??then the latest report say tat..KANG GOT INJURED HIS BRAIN B4 THE DAY HE ACCIDENT...THEN THE ACCIDENT HAPPEN...HE EITHER KNOCK AGAIN AND BROKE THE THING INSIDE OR CRACK..I DUNO HOW TO is tat....yk father over night in hospital the night..his father help him to massage hand and leg lo...and wtf...kang try to open his eye!!!!kang open till half then cant open le...then close back makes kang father very worry..and wan faster transfer his son to private a good thing ba..but is oso bad thing..iam worry tat private doctor wan operation kang and put morphine again....haiz....i oso duno how eh now...tonight he will transfer to DSH[damansara specialist hospital...ahhhh...tml duno how to visit kang!!!WHO WAN GO VISIT KANG DE..AND SIT BY TAXI..CALL ME..ABOUT 4 PPL SHARE TAXI MONEY??I THINK WONT B EXP AT ALL.HERE IS THE ADDRESS
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