Today...Celebrate 'Tracy'=(...birthday...yea ba...should b a happy day ba....went to alex house 1st...and play wit his baby
Cute huh??yea..i like it...he like to laugh wit me when i sing lol..he is cute =)..nvm i was cute too..when i was baby...Lol.....did not know big le look so sux --.....
after tat then go gilly cafe find mei theng...then bring her fren go sing k..after tat arrrr
about 4+ le ba...we finish sing and go mei theng house wait hx come...then ar...
tracy suddenly came ._. ....i like OOO TRACY...but...she like ==......feel so stranger ._.
she din even smile wit me??or mayb i don even dare to look at her?
sweat a little ba..and skin sensitive le lolz....1st i saw tracy i feel like...don wanna say ba zzz
so we reach there about 6.15....
THE SAISAKI 6.30 ONLY OPEN..zzzzz....
after 6.30 le we go in le...we like some special superstar --...other ppl need line up..but we straight go in and thenn err...erm..i feel like sitting tracy infront actually...cuz i feel like talking wit her..and joke wit her..
but then....mei theng rush to her front sit ._. ....what can i do???sit mei theng bside???NO._. alex sit........bside her??NO...erica sit le ._. ....and i just sit the most side --.. phew..cant even hear her voice..zz....Phew...So...i better sit another table wit BK and yi ru and juang they all...
suddenly i saw 1 uncle...wit a big family...and they need to seperate sit..
they got popo and kid...canot ba ._. .....
AND TAT IS WHY I LET THEM SIT OUR TABLE AND WE TRANSFER TO FUTHER DE TABLE...DON BLAME ME T.T.....but nvm the end tat uncle like thx me =)...
after i sit far from them i don feel comfortable --....and i walk to their table....
wanna talk..but duno how to start...
so i start wit ...HEY I HELP U ALL TAKE PICTURE LA =P....luckily erica gave me her camera =)...helping them take group picture is the only way to look at her??hmmph...and she look at me..
but is actually the camera --..nvm...
i actually zoom quite near to her face 1st...then only seriously help them take pic...
So!!!!we only go 12 ppl...and there is 1 long table can sit 12 ppl go le..and we can sit tat long table le...sooooo i try to sit just closer to tracy???and wat???BK come tell me he sit there ....zzz..
why --....then slowly yi ru need to sit bside her...then yk and yc came le...and yk need to sit there --...and tracy say...U SIT SIDE ABIT LA i just straight away sit the end of the side better tat she feel i try to close to sit happily le --.....
well..i still sit wit juang alex and yc...and tat was so crazy...wit the oyster joke --....don wanna mention here la sure lolz....and i start to look at tracy....she been left out..she look outside..she see another table...she couldnt hear our joke..tracy busy wit kang kang...erica busy camera...hx wit kc..and i duno MT do wat ba...and BK no more idea for any joke le...and she was like not reli happy...haiz...wat can i do??go there and say hi??and i will look annoying for her??phew...i was hugging my bag always..why??her present inside ma --...and erica though i wan to leave le lolz....and erm...they wan to take group picture.....and i seriously wan see her for the last....i use erica camera to see her --...sorry ca ...stupid...In the end....take alot joke picture...wit the pornstar YC...cuz he got his new hair cut and it is super ART!!!!!
.and erica though i wan to leave le lolz....and erm...they wan to take group picture.....and i seriously wan see her for the last....i use erica camera to see her --...sorry ca ...stupid...In the end....take alot joke picture...wit the pornstar YC...cuz he got his new hair cut and it is super ART!!!!!
Thats all ........
So...yc send me back home...the 1st one who back was alex...
in the half way...yk wanna pee yc,juang and kang come in my house lo..
And they went to my room...and i open my drawer...treasure inside......
they read a book inside --...sweet book..and YC simply create story sumore
and tracy gave me de minnie..inside was written wit chinese..and he keep change the word lol...
Tats all...Clubbing next time...
When you feel so tired and you cant sleep was the most suffering feeling...
3.30 now..tata..try to been 2 week continuous cant sleep
and erm...this post like got problem..haiz..canot move those word le..if not those picture will to add up de...aiks...
The only last chance tat i can close to her was when we walking back to car tat time..i just call her ...and say ur present er...she say HAR got ar...haiz...she like HAR WHY GOT i just gave her the book bag still got flower...and i see her reaction like tat..i duno how to give her...i duno..confuse...NITE
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