Monday, May 31, 2010
I know
I think of you whenever i wan to go for cinema...
I think of you whenever i eat spagetti...
I think of you whenever i eat yee mee..
Yea...sorry..i still miss you><...
it makes me feel like no mood when sitting in cinema
makes me never wanna cook spagetti anymore...
is not that use to it le to have u with me in cinema..
mayb i can say tat i need you??
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Sometimes i dont mins ppl say i look like girl..but sometimes i mind--..some even come and tell me iam a tomboy...--...When i hangout i make my hair i dress up..all oso boy look..1 thing iam worry about is...Do those people who duno me will think iam a sissy--?..Lol...joke..Please dont --...When i stay at home i clip my hair..and i find out that i really look like girl --..F*** =( mom always wan a daughter...she say omg u look like girl...and she smile..then i say OMG iam a man..dam...Some facebook people add me and ask me am i a tomboy...zzzz..Stop misunderstand edi..><...This is y my mother so happy...cuz i clip my hair --
I still feel that i don look like girl =)...thx
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
this 麻 come from yc/me/juang...麻绳/麻痹/麻丸 shen/ma bi/ma wan...
Is like..only us have such name --...
After that Juang took a stress picture...and ask me to edit Lol...simple and nice =)..
Yc told me..lets surprise that juang by taking the same picture and post together...Lol..
and slowly all my fren oso joined le sounds fun after they saw wat we did..
Here is the picture lol==
Monday, May 24, 2010
why did i get into relationship??==...
no money/no to pak tor? ==..atleast 1??so u can pak tor?
i had my 1st x gf since i was form 3 =)..secret ..
erm...she is a good gf..seriously..i don need to use much money being together with her..
but on her birthday ^^...i still need to use alot money....i dont have car..but i got saving...
I took taxi to sg long..bought a secret recipe cake which cost rm80 i think so =).. and i asked the taxi to stay outside the house..i pay u rm90 for staying outside the house for 2 iam only form all finish..but is ok le =)..birthday ma...
i had my 2nd ex on form 4 problem start le..going wan gf pay??sometimes i really run out of money to taxi back home..and sometimes i will request tol share the taxi fees wit me..sounds really sux --zz..$$ is the 1st big problem for my relationship...tat is the reason why we break too??She never listen and look at my situation=)and slowly ~ she got more money than me in her wallet --..
always taxi with gf..Zzzz..sounds noob and dangerous for gf...
So why nowadays alot primary school couple --..can the guy take care of himself 1st --?..
I can see iam a idiot last time..childish..o0o...Guys need more money than girl...~guys need to take care of girl...thats why..Zzzz..
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Yesterday and Today..
and i swim with mei theng on friday --..nobody believe =)....Lol..
Quite lazy type zzzzlet me cut short it...
so yesterday night at 11oclock...i was singing in the room with my guitar mom suddenly come in and say..oi,,r u from 'Ching San' ??11 oclock still sing..?and off the light..iam holding my guitar on the bed and look at her...o0o!!!!!she never know wat she talk..but i remember ...
my father cant i heard tat my dad on i went out wit him...and he say he i went down cook wan tan mee for him..suddenly my second bro oso wake up and say he wan too i cook 2 mee d..hmmph..quite tired halfway cooking lol..but lol..just cook ba..after cook..they like it ..and i just go sleep ba..they watch tv ...
the next day....early in the morning wake up go kang house and wait for yi ru..and we go saloon together...yi ru new style...Lol..Hi model =D

we almost spend le 5 hour in saloon..Zzz..our hair =)..precious lol....
Everybody was waiting for me ==...
like iam the one who birthday lol...after reach ther =) lo...order And take picture=)..alot pic...My facebook Tagged...and here .. few pic...

Happy birthday hx..=)...
I actually wanna wish 1 more ppl happy birthday..But
erica know yc know =)...Fail Zzzz
forget about it...
A warm wish to her..
is always the same..
happy birthday to her...
Monday, May 17, 2010
nowadays i was like so friendly --..non stop make new friend..
little bit regret when i was in relationship i did not even went out to make new friend lol
is like every sec oso think my gf will worry ba...
Lol..for some girl for sure there don wan bf out to make new friends la..
but ..after break le then how??Lonely one ._. ..
i was thinking
Should i be very selfish =D..
should i be very bad??
in my history of love i did have a very Lovely and sweet gf b4..but our fate sux =)..and we don last long....
but the last long one will give me stupid reason like don love me anymore..say i was over control her telling me just em se dak me but not love me
i just huh??
if u don need that thing will u em se dak??
telling me use to be wit me le in her life suddenly no le me just em se dak..thats all ..but not love me edi..o.o
she use to have me in life and em se dak ..means she is being wit me??Lol..
sometimes excuse really joke de..
however..she did give me happiness b4 =)..
dont just think the bad thing of ppl ba...
but i do 10 good thing then accidently do 1 wrong thing i oso will get blame alot..
and judge by ppl that iam a sucker..especially parent..
This year from feb to march suddenly got so many problem ._. that i almost canot stand
but i never think to die =)..
i still can give ppl happiness..
Aiyo...waiting for another angel..
When TT..
Friday, May 14, 2010
Swim/Tutti Frutti Summer Love
I Like to drive with my middle finger =)..
No la--..i duno why..and when they snap..Lolz
Anyway..thx to the sun again..iam dark...><>
Thats all...Tata le ^^....
When i was recording this video with my phone..juang and kang warn me alot time..kful of your phone..don fall to the water..then i was so kful le...but accident happen.
In the end of the recording..i was standing in the middle of the like u can walk over de is like one small way only..and i oppws!..and !!!!guess wat =)...i press save the video and throw the phone to the ground..i was half way falling le LOL..and i fall to the water...everybody look at us LOL..those form 4 or 5 student at there keep say walao he throw his phone..><...good =]...after tat i on my phone again..and take picture agian =D..
Enjoy your life once awhile =)..kid awhile wont die de Lol..don always act like an adult..wont live long de Lolz..Bye~
Sunday, May 9, 2010
hmmph..ok soo...i ask my father..bring mother go watch ipman 2 la..i watch edi..very nice..
then my father bring mother and my 2 brother go watch ipman2 on sunday 7.00
6.00 i was making my hair...cuz my 2 brother use the toilet for almost 1 and half hour...zz
half way making dad say OI GO LO!!!..theni just sprayy and goo zzz..
after i go mother ask..err ah liang..wat r u doing..i like huh??
mom say..why you go...u stay at home..take care of the house...because outside got gardener ..zz..i already wore my shirt --..i set my hair...and u say don go??i was planing to buy her present when they watching movie..omg...then i just say i wan go la..she like crazy omg..shout at me STAY AT HOUSE...then i just don go la...for wat i wan to go...idiot o0o..
she ask me to close the door..i o0o ignore happy le them...thx to maid cook me maggi mee...don waste ba wear le nice nice shirt..then snap picture --..happy mo**** day??
i ban mother day in my life...thx for leaving me at the back
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
i believe she doesnt wan this relationship to break too..there is a secret reason deep inside her heart...and i know..girl break up will never tell the truth..they either say no feeling..or boring..or wadever..very shit de --..i should atleast spend 1 min to sad for her she crying??did she felt cold alone??phew..hope to send her a hug* without letting iher know..and wanna tell her that..i've change me...<3..i start to see things wider..i saw my future...i hope i can do it...i will try...hard....wat i hope is..i wanna write a beautiful song about you...and sing on the stage for you..hope tat the song i sing will always let you feel not tat i just wanna prove to her..and oso to everybody..relax~ =] enuf tat i have you in my life =]
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Cheras area or selangor..