Woke up at 12pm..arggg..nobody at home..everybody went out to PLAY...
went to online..until 2++..stomach sound**
argg..lazy cook..
yeah..got car..
i use to drive CRV..but today..CRV is not here :(..must b
e parent took him away...
so..too bad..left one car at home..fairlady :D..my father car..yeah.
.took his key..and drive out..
And call..ei Richard lets eat
Richard walk out and holding his dog..and richard just O.O!
he run to the car and say..OO yeah..how nice...
ok..open window..let richard dog blow some wind..richard dog name bibi..
i hate this name..because it sounds so cute..and bibi is a guy..
and put bibi at the petshop to have some spa bath <3
then we both went to eat wantan mee lo..as usual..we love mahkota wantan mee..
after that..we plan to PRANK ALEX.. :)
OK..Richard drive his car..went to fetch alex..because aroun
d 6 ++ we need to go friend birthday party :D..
so iam driving my car hiding very far from alex house..once alex hop in richard car..ok..
follow and follow..
until we reach highway...then i just drive very fast..
and shoot light on richard car..
the conversation is like that
Richard:wei..who is that at the back..
Alex:dont know oo keep shoot light on us..
then i cut richard car...Open window..and show o0o...
Then richard hon me...ok i can say richard is a good actor ;D
When richard hon me..alex say OI..don play la..dont care him...
AND that is the moment..alex fall in to PRANK :)...
then i just drive very fast and make a fool on richard..and let alex feel who is it :)
then we almost reach my house..
alex guess..it must be Kael brother..
slowly slowly..open gate..
Alex say..See..sure is Kael brother...
Open door..i smile at alex :)..
Alex just O.O...
me and richard laugh hard :D..who is next :)..
Wanted to prank yva ><..
we reach the birthday party at 7..
so hungry..and ate ate ate ate..BBQ BBQ BBQ...
oo is a long missing friend...miss it..
Happy birthday Oscar <3...
Around 10++ we head to Erica new house..
then i sit yva car..
just chat chat chat..
while waiting for the traffic..we both kept silent..
then she suddenly take camera out and snap picture with me :O..
actually i like it de..just that moment..my hair very messy...after BBQ..hair = shit

Everybody say we look alike..is it?:O
Maybe yeah..people say we have the same eye and nose LOL
Reached erica house..
O noo..her house is lovely..nice decoration
nice enviroment
her room is full of pink.zz..light also pink..
walk in..feeling is like..girl wonderland..feel very gay..
sleep at erica room 1 day will become gay :x..
and eat eat eat again...
the best part..is..ps3..lol..
omg..the game very nice :O...
err..name name..err...Sports challenge gladiator??lol ..forgot...
when i see the happiness ..

This is the unbeatable look :)..

Ok..see you :'(
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