Happy Birthday "DAI LOU"
One of our best friend...His birthday..hmmph..
Our fren=Surprise birthday..no PEACE BIRTHDAY!!!
Whoaaa....Melody parent treat me and richard eat --..
ok ah..very tasty <3...
Melody drive richard car and fetch her father and mother to the restaurant..
Melody father never sit melody car before (melody drive)
So..we just make Melody father wish come true le <3..who>
so...drive to SSM..Sekolah Sri Murni to fetch richard sister after school..
arhh..our memorable school..Saw Mr toh and HII..thats all..
Arif and Alex reached Richard house..
after we drop richard sister back to HOME..then we straight go serdang to meet Chris..
took few bottle Hoegarden and celebrate with yoges...Because he like beer..no..LOVE BEER <3..
ok..reach his house..
Silent..because he is sleeping!!!
open the cake...light up candle..ok..one cup of water..(what is the water for?)
open door..everybody walk in..close door..
Find his head..aim his face..
WHOAAA..Straight away wake up...
Open light and here it comes..
(Happy birthday song)
haha..he felt so touch ..almost want to cry..mayb i
misunderstand??because his face is wet ;D..

Cutting cake!!!No yva help to cut cake..but you still got Kael!! :D
after finish our cake..
Then we went to Computer Cafe and game...
Is been long time we did not PLAY game together !!!
so...Here..Shooting game..w r the best in such game ;D...
after game..go yoges mamak shop..and he treat us eat...
Yeah...order list..
Kael-Maggie soup
Richard-Maggie soup
Chris-Maggie soup
Alex-Maggi goreng..
Then the food came...
Me and Richard had our NOT maggie soup..
He gave us Maggie Curry + Cili padi + Sambal + Dry Cili floating on top of the soup..
me and richard eat..eat ..eat..something is wrong..
we both r sweating like dog o0o...
Face and tongue cant feel anything..is vibrating...
argg...is so HOT!!!
ARGG..but chris get his Maggie soup..i dont understand..
Then i say..Yoges..Nothing is free..I'm sorry..we will pay...haha
we start to chat..about our School memorable day..
We all got our own history..not good history :x..bad one!!
Chace-A bunch of discipline teacher walk in to our class,to tell us the new discipline rules..and wanted to confiscate our phone..even headmaster is there..of cuz everybody stand up..
But chace still sitting...--..then one of the teacher ask him to stand immediately ..then he stand..without tuck in his shirt..so teacher ask him to tuck in !then he stare at the teacher and he just walk out to the class :O!then he back home..received Letter haha..warning letter o0o...
Oscar-We can say he is the most naughty one --..his face look like gangster..walk like a gangster..talk like a gangster..but he is not gangster!he broke principle car front mirror!!LOL..
Me-I'm good :)..but i got expel from school LOL..o0o...because school think I'm a GANGSTER BOSS..haha..get expel because i say 'Pussy' infront of girl teacher..--..
Richard-School teacher ...ask teacher to Shut up..
Chris-He?study only o0o
Yoges-HE ALWAYS wait for us to go toilet and pee..then he spray use with water pipe..until our whole body wet in class o0o..and one time he make Arif whole body wet..and teacher ask in class..why r you so wet arif..He say..Jatuh dekat Tandas(fall at the toilet) LOL..SOHAI ARIF --
Arif-Good student..But..he learn cantonese vulgar word from us and went to school ppl..example
Your pussy dislocated , breastless..and more..he is mean..
Memory in the school..yeah..we just chat about our fun time at Secondary school..we used 2hour.
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