Drunk on new year eve

Before we drink..we went for a movie..'The Tourist'
johnny depp!!!!ahh...funny movie..but not very perfect..i watch just because johnny depp ^~..
then went to sushi king..ahh...my lovely place..but i did not bring enough money --..
so did not had a nice SUSHI time...
Then we go Melody house and chat until chace reach...
so i slept for 2 hour ~
Yva went back home for her part time maid...
after 2 hour ..woke up..went for ba ku teh...
When there is richard rich..you cannot eat cheap thing ..zzz
i say I DONT WAN..but they wan..so in the end..--..
i only like ba ku teh soup..other not really :x

Recommended ba ku teh place...very nice :D..
then we head back to melody house..and drink..Whiskey..
nothing to play...then melody bring out some UNO block..
lol..anything la..we can make anything became funny even if it is boring!!
1st block fall..me ..--
Yva hit my knee suddenly!!!she is laughing and laughing and hitting and hitting.. :D..
because of her hardcore hit..my knee getting worst now :x..jk :D
...drink half glass whiskey..wait..big glass!
Whiskey + 7up...
Normally ppl drink 30% whiskey and 70% 7up...
but thanks to melody..she gave me 70%whiskey and 30% 7up...
1st drink..straight in half cup...
straight feel dizzy ;P...
2nd block fall..yva..same --..half..
our face turn red..we both same..Our face red only!!we haven drunk la ! :D
arhh...after that..head to my house and see firework...
1 oclock back home..
and thats all for new year eve..never went to KL to countdown..we r lazy ;D..
10.30 woke up..
went to japan buffet at Sunway Giza..eat until 4.30am
after that yva sms me..she say Liang i miss you..no la --..she ask me to drink..
i think is joyce request..because on new year eve she missed the fun with us :x..
then she very horny and want us to come and drink again!!lol..
since she so want..then we have to go lo :(..this time drink at my condo..
never play any game..but chat ..every conversation is funny..
chat until 1 oclock ++ then back~..
me,richard,christopher and melody went to mamak and drink 1st..because..we r all drunk..
need some rest before drive haha ;D..
2oclock back home..
I drive richard car..because he is drunk...
but slowly i find out that..i'm actually more drunk than him..i was speeding and speeding --..
and reach home safe..<3..this>
When there is only hapiness..I'm not asking for more
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